Introducing Memamug, a small open-source app made with React and Rails-api

View the source or see it live

One of the biggest pains I hear from new and old developers alike is that once they’ve learned the basics of a new technology, they struggle to apply them to an actual project.

Actually, this isn’t just a problem I’ve heard about – I’ve experienced it myself. In particular, learning React has been as much about figuring out what to do with it as learning the API itself. So to cut a long story short – I’ve built a single-page app with React and Rails-api. And I’d like to share it with you. And it’s not a todo list!

Memamug is a tiny app to help you remember people you meet. However, putting it together wasn’t a tiny job. It demonstrates a number of patterns and techniques which apply to larger projects, including how to:

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Re-exporting ES6 modules

Still need a little help getting ES6 compiling smoothly? First find out how.

With the advent of Babel, ES6 modules have become a real option for organising code. Mapping your require statements to import and module.exports to export is intuitive and will get you up and running, but the syntax for doing anything else can be downright unexpected.

I ran into this today while translating from numbat-ui to ES6. follows a fairly common pattern for libraries – instead of defining anything interesting itself, it just re-exports the classes from component modules for consumption by the app using the library. Basically, doing this:

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Webpack Made Simple: Building ES6 & LESS with autorefresh

Update on 2015/11/08: Now works with Babel 6.0

Just want a starter kit? Clone webpack-black-triangle for something minimal, or the Unicorn Standard Starter Kit for the works.

There’s been a huge amount of press since ES6 was finalised as ES2015 – but for all the awesome features it adds, it won’t help you much if you can’t actually use it. The problem is that while ES6 is the future, the current crop of browsers are stuck in the past. Want proof? Give Chrome an arrow function, and it’ll give you this:

Chrome being stuck in the present

Of course, there is more to the story than this. You can use ES6 in the vast majority of modern browsers, but with a catch: you’ll need a build step. And while this has been a deal-breaker for many in the past, we’ve entered an age where it doesn’t have have to be.

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Introduction to ES6 Promises – The Four Functions You Need To Avoid Callback Hell

Update October 2018: If you need to brush up on promises and async/await, I highly recommend you look instead at my Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript course on Frontend Armory. The course contains 47 live examples and exercises, and also comes with this spiffy Promises and async/await cheatsheet.

Of course, my original promises guide is still useful today! Here it is:

Apart from being new and shiny, Promises are a great way to clean up your code, reduce dependencies on external libraries, and prepare yourself for async and await in ES7. Developers who use them swear by them, and developers who don’t just don’t know what they’re missing.

That said, promises can take a lot of work to understand. They feel completely different to the callbacks which we often use to accomplish the same thing, and there are a few surprises in their design which often cause beginners hours of debugging pain.

So why should I learn promises, again?

If the fact that promises are awesome doesn’t convince you, maybe the alternative to promises will.

Up until promises arrived, developers in JavaScript land had been using callbacks. In fact, whether you realise it or not, you’ve probably used them too! setTimeout, XMLHttpRequest, and basically all browser-based asynchronous functions are callback based.

To demonstrate the problem with callbacks, let’s do some animation, just without the HTML and CSS.

Say we want want to do the following:

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Are JavaScript Promises swallowing your errors?

This article has kindly been turned into a video by the folks at Webucator who do JavaScript training.

When dealing with asynchronous code, JavaScript’s ES6 promises can make your life a lot easier. No more callback pyramids, no more error handling on every second line, and no more reliance on external libraries to do things as simple as getting the result of a for loop.

But ES6 Promises can have their own pitfalls, the biggest by far being disappearing error messages. Reddit’s /u/ledp put it better than I ever could:

What the actual flying fuck? Promises swallows errors by default! Who’s idea was that?

More specifically, any exception which is thrown within a then handler, a catch handler, or within the function passed to new Promise, will be silently disposed of unless manually handled.

The problem

Let’s test your understanding. Which of the following would you expect to print an error to the console?

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